MKA Class Breakdown

Warm Up Section
Informal Bow In
Warm Up
Total warm up will last 15 minutes. The main goal of warming-up is to prepare your body for intense training while reducing the amount of possible injuries. The warm-up can be divided into 3 stages.
Stage 1: Bring core body temperature up. This is accomplished by activities such as light jogging, jumping jacks, punching on the spot, kicking on the spot, leg straddles and shadow sparing. Combinations of these exercises should last approximately 5 minutes.
Stage 2: Full body stretch. This stage of the warm-up will focus on stretching all muscle groups, especially target the muscles that the class exercise is focused around (eg. Kicking drills = extra focus should be on leg stretches; Shifting exercise = emphasizes on Achilles tendon and other joints and tendons.) Group stretching is a good idea; it will be good for class interaction.
Points to keep in mind during stretching: Breathing, no bouncing. Stretching should no be rushed, should take approximately 10 minutes.
Stage 3: Intense physical work out. This will start out with a light jog around the dojo to shake of the stretch. This physical work out will consist of the following:
- 10 push ups
- 10 sit ups
- core rolls
- shifting up and down the floor
- shadow shifting
- shifting with a partner
This stage will be developed around the age and physical ability of the students. This portion of the warm up should take approximately 5 minutes.
Class Drill Section
Formal Bow In
At this point all students will line up and prepare to bow in. This will give the students a small break before class and drills start.
Our classes will consist of stations. Our goal is to keep interest while at the same time produce positive results. We have to get the point (drill description) across to the students with little talk. To do this we have to make the drills very basic and explain them clearly. I think that each class should have a goal to reach. For instance, the goal at the end of the first class is to have our students to go up and down the floor doing a reverse punch. To obtain our goals we will use a 2 station drill. Station 1 will involve teaching the students reverse punches standing still (use of punching bags can be used at the very ending of the this station time). Station 2 will involve teaching the students to properly move up and down the floor. At the end of these drills we will put the groups together and as a class put Station 1 and 2 drills together.
Cool Down Section
Cool down will involve the following:
- Punching on the spot for one minute
- Kicking on the spot for one minute
- Punching in while in kiba-dachi for one minute.
- Blocking on the spot for one minuite.
The last 3 minutes of class you should cool down the students with a combination of leg stretches and body stretch talking to the students asking if they have questions, summarizing activites that were performed in class and assigning home work.
Bow out